Friday 6 February 2015

Typographic Linomaps

Printing Equipment
·      It is possible to use both water-based and oil-based inks:
Water-based- is inexpensive but dries quickly
Oil-based- is more costly but produces better quality prints.

·      Lino block

·      Inking surface- Plastic Board

·      Lino cutting tools and cutting block- to ensure safe cutting

·      Roller for inking.

·      Dry roller, spoon, or hand for burnishing.

·      Tracing paper, pencils and marker pens, to transfer the image to the lino

·      Albion press and packing

·      Soap, rags and vegetable oil for cleaning

·      evenly with a fairly thin layer of ink

·      Lay lino block face down onto the paper you are printing onto and burnish using a dry roller

This is my linoprint, we used special cutting tools to make/cut out the areas of the material. In the workshop we looked at the way the surrounding areas in which we live in. I decided to look at the area where I live which is near Portsdown Hill, I also looked at the roads which were around me. I used the church symbol, house symbol and the hospital symbol as this is roughly where I'm located. In addition to this, I had cut out different areas of rough lines to create texture within my piece of linoprint. We looked at the artist Abi Daker. 

These images are her lino cut outs that she uses. I am looking at the way she uses typography within her work which particularly interests me. I had inspiration of her work as she is mostly looking at the way she uses the letters and the way the she uses textures which I particularly like and which I am interested in. Furthermore, I chose to look at Abi Daker and her work as I am able to use her work to progress in my work. 

When taking prints of my work I had used the baron and an albion press which creates different techniques of the print itself. The albion press adds the correct amount of pressure to make the image have more vibrant colour and depth. When using the baron, you have to use your hand which makes it hard to get the right amount of pressure and is hard to realise whether you are rubbing all over the surface to make the press of the lino block correct. 

When using the albion press you have to make sure you do not put your hands onto the press itself as it locks into position to make the press possible also, when using the albion press you need to make sure that you are careful with the handles as they are metal and it is very hard and strong which can cause problems within your safety. 

Health & Safety when cutting lino:
Always cut away from yourself and keep your other non-cutting hand away from the area you are cutting into. 
Health & Safety when printing: 
Protective clothing (an apron) and you may need to wear barrier cream and/or protective gloves to prevent skin contact with the inks or cleaning materials.

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