Friday 27 February 2015

Frottage on clay tiles

I had looked at clay impressions on different textural surfaces and how I could use objects and tools to manipulate the same textures and patterns different surfaces make. I had used dark and nuetral colours such as the browns to capture and highlight the specific details which were made.
If I were to look deeper into the technique I think that I would focus on looking at a much larger piece of clay and creating a collage and large scale piece of work. I could look at how the textures could create the elements and highlight the specific areas possible. 
When looking at all the clay work, my favourite was the brick impression, I'm mainly focusing on the way that I am able to pick up the imperfections of the surfaces and capturing them in a more detailed style and being able to use colours and work other them to expand that detail and element of the tile. I particularly like the way that I am able to focus on the style and the imagery when pressing the clay onto the textures.
In addition, I could also look at the way I am able to use the coloured paints to overlay onto the clay and create refined detail onto the clay which I wouldn't be able to do with clay on its own, I would be able to add engravements and specific work on top of the clay itself. Additionally, I could also add other materials such a wood or wire or even felt to create 3d elements on the work. 
In particular, when looking at the clay, I think that areas of the colour had become much darker as more colour was collected creating a deep shadow and making the clay pop in a way! 

When working with clay you always have to be careful of the dust and the dirt that comes away from the clay when working with it. COSHH highlights specific segments of health and safety regulations that I am working with. To be safe when firing the clay always make sure that it is completely cooled down before removing it as the clay is in the kiln which gets extremely hot. Be very careful when handling clay, do not mess around because in large quantities of it, it becomes very heavy and dries over time when working with it which means that it will be much solid and become a lot solid, stronger and heavier. 

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