Thursday 4 June 2015

Image Transfer

When looking at the topic, I had decided to work with image transfer. I had thought this was an effective way to make the image look more edgy and more interesting to look at, the reason I thought this was because I believe that I am able to produce multiple versions of the image but they would all look unique and very different from each other. 
  I looked at distressing the images as it added more of an effect, I think that this works well as a whole image as it portrays an element normal photography would portray. I like the way this looks as I am able to add other medias to the images. 
I did not typically do a gel transfer as I was not able to get hold of the gel that is typically used for making the transfer. I liked the way each image I had transferred had typically made its own look to the image itself, I believe that it can change the aspect of the whole image which I think adds elements and makes it more interesting rather than a boring photograph. Due to me not being able to have the gel this meant I had a limitation when working with image transfer.

I decided to look at the artist Mieke Mulder for image transfer, I had found this artist whilst I was browsing through pinterest. He is an artist that works with image transfer on 3d objects such as figures. I particularly like the way his work is different from the rest as he is working with 3d elements. Although I did not use 3d objects to transfer my images on to, I had decided to look into adding 3d pieces onto my image transfers I had done onto wood. I think that this looks particularly interesting and definitely caught my eye which is why I had decided to look at his work. Gel Transfers by Mieke Mulder: Gel Medium, Decor Object, Image Transfer, Acrylics Gel, Mieke Mulder, Create Image, Gel Transfer, Art Dolls This image is the work of Mieke Mulder. I particularly like the way that it has had peculiar looks to the figure, I think it adds different aspects of the whole work and can give a different message to each viewer. I like the way this had looked as it added inspirational ideas and made me focus on the way I could explore deeper within my work. 

Joan Mumbauer 

 I looked at the artist Joan Mumbauer and the way she uses Polaroid transfers to make her photography more interesting. I like the way she uses her own images which is what I had done to make my image transfers. I think that it works better when using your own imagery as a way to communicate the message as this is more effective than someone else's photography as it is primary sources which you are able to use. I think that it also works more well as a whole image when you use your own photos as you are able to make the right concept of the image. Joan Mumbauer is a photographer and then uses her own images as a way to communicate the image. I like the crispness of the image and the way she has almost made a border around the images which is something that influenced me in my work. 

I had decided to look at Mieke Mulder and Joan Mumbauer as my artists for image transfer influences, both of their work is very differnet however they are both using the same technique in a very different way, both artists had influenced me when looking at there work as they are something that I would like to achieve the same effect that Joan Mumbauer had created when she had made her work..The artists methods are very different to each other however they both manipulate the same type of work that I would like to achieve when reproducing my samples for image transfer over and over again.
For more information on Image Transfers look at this website I have added. : 
This is the website I had found the artist on.

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