Friday 6 March 2015

Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau was first showcased in Paris and then in London, people either loved it or hated it. Some aspects of art nouveau were revived again in the 1960s.

Sinuous, elongated, curvy lines, the whiplash line, vertical lines ad height, stylised flowers, leaves, roots, buds and seedpods, the female form- in a pre-Raphaelite pose with long flowing hair, exotics woods, marquetry, iridescent glass, silver and semi precious stones.

Arts and crafts- art nouveau shared the same belief in quality goods and fine craftsmanship but was happy with mass production. Rococo style. Botanical research. Art Nouveau 17... by ssava

Art Nouveau was a movement that was decorative and architectural in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It had enthusiasts throughout Europe and beyond.

English architect and designer Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo for the 1883 volume Wren's City Churches.

 I particularly like this piece as it is very abstract in a way with text expressions. I am looking at lino print for further experimentations and including other techniques within this piece. When I decided to look at the piece if work it almost reminds me of looking at all the emotions the artist has and uses them to create/overlay each piece of line or shape within the linoprint.

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