Tuesday 24 March 2015

3d clay

I had decided to work with air dry clay as it hardens much quicker which means the structure of the shape is easier to contain and work with. When using this tripe of clay I had used white clay which is slot wetter and softer to work with after trying to produce a spinnaker tower I had relised that it would take a longer time to dry and harden before I was able to sculpt the clay. I had encountered problems when working with both clays,such as the clay would snap or harden quick leaving it fragile to work with,  it also meant that joining smaller detailed pieces would be much more difficult as there surface area was much smaller meaning that it would dry rapidly and become more and more fragile when working with it. 
I would like to work with low relief and high relief clay as I am able to build a more textural and sculpted piece of work that I am able to change and make sure that specific areas are highlighted better.  I had added a silver coloured tone (acrylic paint) to the clay after it had dried as it added a more specific and detailed look what captured the spinnaker look. 

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