Wednesday 25 March 2015

Image transfer

acrylic paint transfer

I decided to look at image transfer so that I was able to perfect the image in a whole. When looking at image transfer you are able too develop the work by adding layers of other materials too define the piece, what also is nice about image transfer is that you are able to work on most surfaces, you can look towards different materials from cotton to wood. I looked at using wood and cardboard so that I almsot varied my ideas and tried to find out what was best for my use.

 I looked at the artist Lesley Riley and her image transfer as she overlays textures and different styles into her work. I am going to achieve in some ways the same effect she has by adding layers of textures and develop them further instead of it just being a simple image transfer.

 What you will need?
Any photograph of your choice
Acrylic Paint
And preferred material to put the transfer onto such as wood, cardboard or plastic.

You will need to cover the acrylic paint either over the material you are using or the photo. You will need to thickly apply the paint so that the images ink will be removed with the paper when it is fully dry. When removing the paper where the image is sometimes you will notice that the image itself with the ink will be removed and you will not be able to get the whole image without any acrylic paint marks. I think that this adds an aged look to the image almost adding in a sense of texture and almost as if the paint had been there for a long time meaning that over time the paint would of worn off. you may need a bowl of water to assist you removing the paper.

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